Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of (Sub-Zeros), which
houses his/her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Camp Radical
Friday, April 20, 2007 @ 10:51 PM
17th april1st day of orientation =)
invade TP with mel, zhi,edwin and jas
we obviously took our own sweet time eating macs
and naively believing that we wont be late
when we reached TP , yeah we are late but the queue to register is so damn long till late makes no differences =X
ok some of the Group Leaders(GLs) shouted some courses name and
fast enough the queue was gone
all of the freshies were dispersed to their respective areas
and the 5 of us were separated=(
For PID (Product and Industrial Design)
we were told to head over to Lecture Theatre 25
and guess who i saw?
i think i saw Baoxin
no she isnt baoxin
she looks like baoxin
wow i am sure u guys will agree with me
btw her name is xing-er =)
zhiming,edwin and me were being asked to join a empire called the WONKA
in chinese WONKA = WANGER
dun laugh , cos i dun think it's funny just the 3 other empire making fun of us
and i am in a sub-empire called the WONKA-(I)
after much discussion we named our group I-YO instead of I .
I-YO is so much nicer and better right?
instead of ppl shouting I, I, I, I, I, I
okay finally it's 6+
we can finally go home after 1 whole day of ice breaker games
erm 1 word to describe the day
camp day 1
met up with the I-YO ppls
okay we call our sub-empire(I-YO)
yin > yang
cos there are only 9 males out of 24 ppl
we did some cheers and flag-making soon it's dinner time
after dinner , we will be heading to SENTOSA
arrived at sentosa at ard 11pm then played the station games there till near 2am
fking tired la
we can really say we walk half of sentosa , okay !
from beach station to (aiya forget where we were cos too dark)
okay it's near 3 am now and we are finally back at TP's DES
here's the painful part
our bunk is at (something like air-conditioned AVA room in opss )
then there were no toilets near our bunk so the only way to bath is to walk to the nearest showering room at the ground floor (we slpt at 4th floor) or walk all the way to the very secluded sports complex showering room
obviously we will choose the nearest 1 right??
the nearest 1 no heater
hahaha and it's 3am
how are u gonna tahan cold water bath
so well we had no choice but to walk all the way to the other showering room
and it's damn far and scary
Day 2
wake up at 11am then went to the MENSA( Student Association Centre) to eat
btw MENSA is the canteen name
dun ask me why canteen got name cos we got ALOT A LOT of places where u can find food
so the name is NECESSARY
i will name down some of the places to find food (from the nicest to the yucks!)
Design sch JUPITER CAFE (this is really good western food)
Business sch BUSINESS PARK(this is not a park , it's the name)
MENSA(no further explanation needed right?)
Vending machine all over the places
dun look down on these vending machines hor
they sells food ranging from ' chocolates, biscuits,chips,can drinks,cup drinks , SANDWICHES(those who saw MrBean Holiday will know the sandwich vending machine), CUP NOODLE!!!!'
woot cup noodle seh
but how arh no hot water no utensils how to eat
figure that out urself =X
but Hey i managed to cook 1 LAKSA CUP NOODLE okay !
and it's really cooked
go go figure out how i cook in the middle of the night 3am=)
lame hunt i must say
the GLs bought out all ard the sch finding the clues
and obviously it's for us to familarize the surrounding
-nth to elaborate abt-
each sub empire must perform a skit or cheer or dance
it must be a 5 mins performance
so yeah imagine 16 sub empire spenting their time in the AUDITORIA
here comes the scary part
-drum rolls-
basically to make things more fun and exciting to scare the shit out of us freshies they added a story for this walk and actors to scare us
the story is abt 1 lecturer in TP who has a lot of student -teacher relationships
but after sch still faithful to the wife
then the wife tolerate it
Until 1 day a new student call michelle came
she and the lecturer got tgt
then from that day onwards , the lecturer got so mesmerized with michelle that he wanted to divorce his wife
his wife gone mad , thinking that she had endure so long and he still wans a divorce after so many flings
she gone mad and plan a series of massacre
so we are to follow the 1st clue and walk ard the sch to find out who is the killer
there are a lot of suspect mind u
not simple okay !
we dunno that story in the beginning so it's harder
then i paiseh la
while all of us (sub empire walking down that small walkway
a black clothing guy lies there
all of us didnt know he was lying there cos it's fking dark
and out of a sudden he boom us
we CHUA TIO and scream
fun sia
of cos i was freak out
another 1 is a black clothing guy crawling on the floor silently
he is that silent that we dun eeven know he is infront of us
then suddenly stand up
another freak out incident
then 1hr time duration out we gotta solve the mystery
Day 3
whole day is abt the FINAL CLASH between sch of IT, AS,BIZ,ENGINE
6 word to describe
-sport competition -
-dragon boat rowing competition-
nth to elaborate except all of us cheer till voiceless
this 3 day 2 night camp is fun fun fun